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Analyzing the impact of culture on family lawsuits

India is a mosaic of various cultures and institutions. Each system is unique in itself instilled with its own rules and regulations, brackets of which govern the acts of practitioners of such institutions. In a way, it is good because it disciplines the people and streamlines their efforts in a particular direction. Culture to the person is what a chisel and tinsel are to a stone. Just as a raw stone is moulded into a beautiful sculpture by the craftsman with the help of his tools, similarly society carves a person’s social and moral aptitude. The way a person interacts with others and handles situations is a lot influenced by the culture a person has been brought up in.

Cultural foundations are good till they act as disciplining factors but not if it acts as shackles. As long as the culture promotes the individual to follow the right path it is a valid culture, but, if the same culture forces the individual to follow only one path irrespective of whether it is reasonable or not such culture acts not as a promoter but an inhibitor of the growth of society. An increase in the rate of crimes such as honour killing, discrimination based on sex, dowry deaths etc. are indicators that there are loopholes in the existing legal patterns which have given way to the execution of not so ethical and arbitrary practices of the conformists. Indian legal system has always been wary of venturing into or handling personal or customary laws. Till it becomes inevitable to do so, neither judiciary nor legislature tries to modify or amend personal laws. One major shortcoming of this hitch has been a substantial rise in the number of honour killings.

different religions and people follow their own cultures. there are different laws regarding marriage and family disputes for different religions.

because of this Indian cultural influence, Indian law when structured by a committee that keeps in mind Indian culture.

that’s why we can see the impact of Indian culture on the family lawsuit.

Like Need To Abolish The Evil Of Triple Talaq:

Triple Talaq is an unreasonable and an inhumane concept. It has questioned the position and status of Muslim women in India. This concept of triple talaq was a deleterious weapon in the name of husband. There is no scope of compromise between the spouses. With the advent of new technology and communication methods, triple talaq have become more popular and this process can be done even by both oral and written communication channels. This approach not only abstains the Muslim women from the rights given to them under Holy Quran, but also makes them the figurine in the hands of husbands.


India is a country with diversity. There is diversity in culture, faith, rituals, background and religion. Every different sect of people is driven by their own set of beliefs. And so is every different religion, which runs by its own personal laws. These rigid, unbending and sectionalized personal laws which cannot in any likelihood be influenced by others might have the propensity to strangulate any form of social reform or social change.Thus there is a huge demand and need of the hour for Uniform Civil Code (UCC) to be implemented in the country. After implementing UCC there will be the chance we see a change in family lawsuits, and the impact of culture be down.

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